Valentine’s Day for Everyone

There is always a lot of pressure placed on those who are alone (by choice or not) to be with someone at this time of the year.

Well, when I say you should make the effort to prepare a special dinner for your mate, including candles and flowers, tablecloth, and cloth napkins, it is also for the single people as well.

Note the pictures; one set for one and the other has been set for two. No big deal either way, but looks special. Having just returned from Maui, what else would you expect me to do?


Why not? You are just as  important and even if you order a pizza in or buy something prepared by a kitchen in a restaurant, take it home. set the table (make the effort, it is important) light a candle, put out a cloth, napkin, good dishes (at least the best you have), pour a glass of wine and enjoy the fact that you actually did this for YOU.

For everyone else, Plan ahead….salad or soup? Or both? Chicken? Pork Tenderloin (my meat of choice for Valentine’s), steak?

Potatoes? What kind? Rice? Pasta? Vegetables: Your choice, just not canned or frozen. Fresh is always best and it shows you actually took the time to do this.

Dessert? White Chocolate Brulee? Cheesecake? Chocolate Cake?


Fresh fruit, cheeses and a few crackers?

Big, expensive gifts are not always the way to show  your affection. A sincerely bought card, a single rose or a bouquet of flowers and time set aside to show you care.

Enjoy! Now I have to go and plan our own special time.

On No! It’s Over

Well, it is. Six weeks of planning, baking, preparing, wrapping, sending off to family all their gifts, writing the usual Christmas letter and mailing them out (did I miss anyone?  Must go back AGAIN and check).

Table setting planned and laid out, pick up one beautiful daughter at the airport and ready to partay……(not spelled incorrectly)….

Firstly, go back a week,  it snows the night we were to go carolling and had to wait another night…okay! Then it snows so much here our company cannot come over. Food planned and laid out….food wrapped and put away.

Now, one kid gets here and we go have a wonderful luncheon spread at Hester Creek’s Terrafina Restaurant.  Come home and Oops! one kid is sick. We still went with the Shrimp Pad Thai and escargot. That was the end of eating for my daughter for three (3) days.

Christmas morning……s – l – o – w start….guess why? Then later on in the day, we have the B- I- G  turkey dinner with all the trimmings we can muster.  Down to the Gathering Room to watch a movie and to bed….

Boxing Day…hopefully all is well….not!  This bug is not fun. But it shows to one and all what Christmas is all about. Family together, laughter, sharing, comforting the sick….I had to say that….and not wanting to change a minute of the time together.

We will hope tomorrow is even better…plans are for a pedicure, going to see Les Miserable, having lunch and really having fun. ‘Cuz the next day, visit is over for another space of time, but the love in this house is amazing. I am even sending a “care package” of baking for one of Kelly’s bestest friends and her family.

I mean, when you bake for 9 give away trays (see picture on site), several get togethers with family and friends and not much is eaten….give away so someone else’s waist band is stretched and ours will still go to the gym and be good.

See you next time with another reason we do all this.

Is there an eggnog somewhere? Anyone?

Last entry 2010

  • It has been fun, for me, and I hope useful to you. We are entertaining guests tonight and have asked them to stay overnight. Two reasons: Can enjoy the evening with a drink or two and don’t have to worry about what is out there driving in the wee hours (if we can stay awake that long).  I am going to show you our menu and how easy it is to prepare.

As this is New Years Eve, we are going to really dress up for the evening. We will also try and spread each course out over the evening so it will, at least, be about 4 hours. Then the evening will begin. For us, this is entertaining at its finest.

  • Signature drink – New Years  Martini
  • Two kinds of Hors d’oeurves (one hot and one cold) not even sure yet just what but…
  • Coquilles St. Jacques
  • Papaya and shrimp with curry mayonnaise (plate licking delicious)
  • Rice
  • Asparagus
  • Salmon topped with Lobster Newburg
  • Ginger Cannolis,
  • Champagne for toasting , a different touch, for sure.
  • Coffee/wine/liqueur

Yesterday, Don made the Coquille St. Jaques, I made the filling for the cannolis and the dressing for the salad. Set the table, did the laundry, changed the bedding upstairs and put out fresh towels. This morning I will stuff the cannolis and place in the fridge until dinner. The salad is a two minute ‘put-together’ and the rest is as we go.  Try it and you will say (for the last time this year) Damn, I can do this!.

Bon Appetit. We will show pictures as the evening progresses. Oh, for your information, the dishes we are using are everyday dishes, We packed up all the good dishes when my daughter was here. I will show you  don’t need to have ‘everything’ to put on a dinner and showcase it to the best of what you own.